Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Southern Savers rocks!

As part of my goal this summer, I was going to learn something new, train my body to do something new (run a 5K), and grow my spirit (taking the Revelation Beth Moore series). The thing I wanted to learn was how to coupon and save money.

Since we have returned home with Justus and we are continuing life on one income, our budget has been limited and well....couponing was one thing I could do to help stretch the dolla....if you know what I mean.

So, I went to Southern Savers. I must admit that I was skeptical about truly saving money. After all, I have watched the "Extreme Couponing" on TV and I'm not impressed that people get 2,000 tubes of toothpaste and toilet paper to last an entire year for 1 dollar. While that's awesome for them...when I go to the grocery store, I need to get groceries....like food our family will really eat (not just snacks and granola bars...those are yummy, but ultimately don't make a good lunch or dinner). I needed real items like fruit, meat, milk, canned veggies/fruits, eggs, yogurt. etc.....

I had not heard of the concept of buying what you need for six weeks at a time on the cycle that it is on sale. Then, you add coupons to that and VOILA! You've got yourself some gr8 stuff...

Not only does Southern Savers help you save money on groceries, but they have all kinds of little perks...

Take for instance a couple of weeks ago, they had a promotion with Outback on a certain day/time...if you logged onto Outback's website you got a free steak dinner voucher mailed to you...Cool! I mean...what else did I have to do at 9:00 pm on a Wednesday night after teaching 4-5 year olds? haha....

Then, last week on Monday...Chick-Fil-A had a thing where you reserved your spot this week for breakfast, so this morning, I met my friend Kristi with my little invitation and had me some FREE chicken minis and some good conversation...

After I left there.....I had a hundred million errands (maybe exaggerating here) and I popped into Kroger. I had a couple of coupons that expired this week so I got two things of dial hand pump soap for the bathroom and two things of Suave deodorant for 67 cents total....I was smiling...

I swung by CVS and scanned my extra care card and got a voucher for a free "Dove" chocolate bar that my daughter's teacher from last year will enjoy tomorrow (She loves chocolate).

In between car rider lines, I uploaded pictures to Kodak b/c they have a promotion for a couple more days that you can print out up to 200 prints for only 1.99 for shipping...I was skeptical, but it worked. I ran out of time after 152 photos but was beyond thrilled with the deal....(If you are interested in this one, go to the Southern Savers website and type in "kodak" in the search box. It will hook you up with the link you need.)

Natalie has been asking me to print out pics of the things we did this summer along with lizards, toads, frogs,and spiders we have found in the yard. So, I'm gonna let her pick up a little photo book at Dollar Tree and she's got some great memories to look at.

Take a look at this spider in the garden on the tomatoes...Notice it as caught a poor little insect in it's web.

So, after all....I'm finding out that I'm liking couponing and saving money. Last week, my bill at Kroger was $200 and after Kroger plus and couponing, it was under $123. The difference is that I have lots more groceries... I do not have a huge pantry so either we're eating it or it's going in the bottom of the coat closet (which is little). It's fun knowing that I can go there when I run out of things instead of to the store (although I enjoy sending Spencer to the Dollar General that just opened up but that's another post for another day)

I'm getting extras too which are really fun...I'm all about a meal out...FOR FREE! Just typing that reminds me of the line in "Bedtime Stories"....

It is a bit of a time commitment, but worth it...For some reason, there's a thrill in getting something for free honestly and sharing those finds with others...

With Much Love,

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