Wednesday, September 14, 2011

A Little Conversation with Justus & a sad reality

Last Wednesday, I was preparing for our lesson for the 4-5 year olds at church. It was Exodus 15:22-25 and chapter 16 about the Israelites being in the desert and God providing food (mannah) and clean water (by Moses throwing a piece of wood into the water).We played several games with food. We made paper plate pizzas and talked about all the ingredients and where they came from. The kids tastes fruits that they hadn't tried before. It was a lot of fun.

The scripture was Psalm 86:5: Lord, you are good to us. Each week, there is a "God's Word and Me" portion. Last week, it was "God shows love to me by giving me food and water." I knew Justus was struggling to wrap his mind around that. Sometimes I struggle to wrap my mind around that can we have water parks and play in the water here in the United States when people in other countries walk miles and miles to drink infested, dirty water.

So....Monday afternoon...we were in the car rider line to pick up Spencer. Justus was very talkative and said, "Mom....God show me love by giving me water....I didn't have any clean water...Me and JaJo (mom or grandmother) were very thirsty. We walk long time and don't find water. I so thirsty mom" I asked him if he drank coffee and he said no that that was for men to drink. We have talked about food a few times. Again, he reminded me that he did not eat breakfast or lunch or snacks.....only dinner. And his mom/grandma was doing the very best she could to provide for him.

Justus finds security in food. I make it readily available. I seriously have never seen a kid get so excited about taking a lunchbox to school....He's loves to eat!

Our pastor had challenged us Sunday to fast yesterday for our country, the families affected by 9/11, and the leaders in our country. I'll admit....I'm not a big fan of fasting, but I know it is biblical and certain breakthroughs occur in life by prayer and fasting. Each time I felt hungry, I prayed (and that was a LOT b/c I like food). I thought about what it must be like for a child to know they are only going to get one meal a day, or how about those that know they won't eat at all? It was a sobering reality and happens

I think about his birth family and the countless other people from his country....Who will show them God's love? We are God's vessels and we must show them his love by providing basic necessities like water and food. We have so many opportunities to do that whether is through Compassion InternationalWorld VisionKatie Davis and her work with Amazima, or Project 61. Many of these organizations provide food, clothing, shelter, schooling, and teaching about Jesus. I love receiving letters from our sponsored children and how they are growing.

It just really struck me that God uses plain, ordinary people like you and me to meet the need. We have to be the hands and feet of Jesus or otherwise there is no hope for these people.

As I clicked on our local news website last night to check the weather. At the top of the page was a banner that read "September is Hunger Action Month". In 2009....17.2 million children in America went to bed in the richest nation....

Matthew 25:35
For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in

We have so much!

With Much Love,

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