Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Sometimes obedience isn't easy

I was going to title this post: "Experience does not always = Easier". I am now volunteer teaching once a week. I was excited about this in the beginning....After all...I taught 1st grade for three years, have read multiple books and information on teaching, sat through workshops and applied one strategy after another, I have a challenging child to parent and am now learning different ways of parenting with our new one, been through RIP (regional intervention program) to learn behavior strategies before my oldest was diagnosed on the autism spectrum....You name it. I've tried it.

I do not see through rose-colored glasses and have eaten my share of humble pie over and over....I think it's called humility, but honestly sometimes it feels like humiliation when you're experiencing it....

So, I'm teaching this class with a co-teacher. I love her. She is down to earth and I really think God put us together. In addition, there's another lady in our large group who's son has Asperger Syndrome and is a few years older than Spencer so I really look forward to getting to know her and learn from her....

However, right now....I'm planning my little heart out, gathering things from teaching that I can incorporate into the lesson, reading in the most expressive voice I have, singing songs off key. You name it....but I am finding myself dealing with similar behaviors that my oldest had at the age of the children I am teaching (a little younger actually.) Even though I have experience with this....It is not easier this time around. I find myself just as easily frustrated. The only difference now is that I know God is the only one that can help. The other children are there to learn and participate, but it is difficult to keep them focused when one is so distracting. I find myself praying (and pleading) for wisdom. Please pray for me that God will soften this child's heart so the child will be receptive and obedient and that we will have peace in our classroom. Also....that we might feel encouraged.

James 1:5
If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.

Much Love,

1 comment:

  1. But obedience always reaps a blessing..hang in there!
