Tuesday, September 14, 2010

September Numbers

We got our call from our caseworker yesterday. Honestly, there were no surprises b/c we have an "unofficial" list that a girl keeps for our group and she's almost always spot on....Movement has been VERY S-L-O-W. We all keep hoping it will pick up soon b/c many families have come home with their new kiddos over the past 2 months. We keep thinking there's gotta be some open beds now at the transition house.....So, for September....we are hoping for referrals to begin to pour out...At this point, when anyone gets a referral, our entire listserv is elated.

Here's our numbers for this month:



The girl list had the most movement this past month as we moved 3 spots. Boys and Siblings only moved one spot. Come on referrals!! We'd love to be in the teens soon. Hey! With our age parameters being 0-3 years.....we'd love a call from our agency....We'll keep hoping.

Psalm 33:22
May your unfailing love rest upon us, O LORD, even as we put our hope in you.

With Much Love,



  1. Praying for those numbers to move! We are hoping to be on the list by October - AGCI is reviewing our homestudy right now.

  2. Praying that you are in fact in the teens next month! It would be awful if you aren't because that means no boy referrals at all. :( Hoping for tons of movement SOON!

  3. Praying for big movement soon. Can't wait to rejoice with your family.

  4. Praying for LOTS of movement! Hoping to be joining ya'll on the girl list soon!!
