Monday, September 13, 2010

Saddle Up Your Horses!

Saddle up your horses! We've got a trail to blaze.....Well, I looked for this song by Steven Curtis Chapman on the music thingy at the bottom of my blog, but couldn't find it...I might be dating myself here with this song, but that's ok.....I decided to add "White Horse" by Taylor swift...well, b/c it has horse in the title and Natalie LOVES Taylor Swift.8)

Natalie had her first horse show this weekend. It was so much fun. She rides dressage. That is english style riding about riding with precision....walk to a certain letter, trot in a circle, etc. They have a routine if you will that they do for each level. I dropped her off right after school on Friday at the horse barn as her instructor told me to do. The pony she rides is named "Reba". She got her all groomed, tacked her up, practiced in the outdoor arena, cleaned and conditioned her saddle and bridle....the whole nine yards. Then, Saturday morning, we got to the horse barn bright and early around 7. Reba had her mane pulled, conditioner put in her tail....She was lookin purdy.

Before I knew it, Natalie was tacking up (putting on saddle, saddle blanket, fleece, and bridle) and was ready to warm up in the indoor arena.....Here are some pics....Is she cute or what??? :-)

She rode her first test and came back in the barn, untacked Reba, and waited. I saw other girls walking around with ribbons. I told her that she could come get her's.....She started at 4th place looking for her name, then moved to 3rd...nope still not there....What do you know? She got the blue ribbon. First place!! That smile was worth a million bucks.....

She prepared for her 2nd test. Her friend Ainsley came and was riding the same test. Both girls did well. Natalie placed 2nd on her Introductory Test B test. Hooray! Ainsley placed first. How great of a first time experience was that!! That definately increased her confidence. She was so nervous before her first test.

Her instructors are great. Her dressage teacher, Jessica went over each test. I love how she focuses on the positive and then the things to work on. She finished it up with more positive. She really wanted Natalie to have fun and fun she did have....

Congrats baby girl! We are so proud of you.:)

I leave you with a funny picture....Reba kept yawning after the 2nd test and Natalie was trying to get her bridle off and her halter on.....Check out the expressions on both Natalie's and Reba's faces.

With Much Love,


  1. yay congrats! I am a dressage trainer so I was SO happy to see this!

  2. Ha! That Steven Curtis Chapman song is so cute.

  3. Adorable!!! She looks so happy! I know you are one proud momma! :)
