Thursday, September 16, 2010


O.K....I've been searching for awhile for a study that will get me plugged in with other believers.....I'm not looking for another child rearing class (though I do love Kevin Leman) or a self-help class (10 ways to blah, blah, blah.) There is nothing wrong with these classes. They can be wonderful, but honestly when you have a child on the autism spectrum (or any child for that matter), it doesn't matter how hard you try or how consistant you are.....sometimes IT JUST DOESN"T WORK!! I get in groups with people who are rearing little angels and have no idea about raising a child that can be oppositionally defiant. Then, I end up feeling like a failure as a mom....So I think I've finally figured out that the most important thing for me is to be in God's word. Then, He'll change me and in turn I will be a better mom or least stay a little more calm for a couple minutes longer--ha!

So....I'm just volunteering at school one Thursday and another mom invites me to BSF (Bible Study Fellowship). I begin asking her questions and she answers willingly. I begin to mull it over. I'm a little hesitant b/c it's a 30 week commitment and I think, "man, it could be any day that we get our referrral".....Maybe I shouldn't commit b/c after all....we'll need to cocoon (stay home for a couple of weeks and bond). I happen to be one of these crazy people who once they commit to something, they do it will all they've got. So, I'd have to go ahead and forgive myself in advance if I miss a few weeks. I looked up BSF online and it looked really promising.....I know since I starting reading the Bible again 2 months ago (Bible in a year online) I have learned so much already and I really miss spending time with God if I choose to hurry through my day. It's weird b/c I use to feel obligated. Now, I want to....

I told Trevis about it and they have a men's class in our area that meets on Monday night. He decided he wanted to go and check it out. I was like, "cool!". So, he went.

Yesterday came and honestly I'd had a challenging couple of days with both kids and their attitudes....So, I roll in there really needing some friendly (non-judgmental) people.

No sooner had I gotten out of my van, a lady starts talking to me and I told her it was my first time. She was like, "I'm so glad you're here.". I went in and registered and the ladies at the table said the same thing. The lady at the pulpit said the same thing. I was like, "This is so crazy. I'm right where God wants me to be". Maybe it was spiritual warfare the two days prior to the class starting. I recognized a couple of familiar people from my daughter's school and met a few others. I went to the "Intro" class and learned all about BSF, the format of the class, how the groups are formed etc. She said one of the ladies prays over all the registration cards before she places each lady into a group. I also learned that all I need is my Bible. They give the notes and the lessons to you. I just need to continue to discipline myself to carve that time out with God.

So Hooray for BSF! A big shout out to all the ladies who made me feel welcome.:) If you live in the middle Tennessee area and you are interested in jumping in the Bible and studying Isaiah with other women who love the Lord, come on!! They have childcare from infants-5 and it's all FREE!! There is another intro class next Wednesday from 9-10:50. It is interdenominational and they said they had over 80 churches represented last year. Small groups are 15 or less....If you don't live in the middle Tennessee area, they have them all across the country and the world...That's the cool thing. To find a class or more info. check out

Have a wonderful Thursday!
With Much Love,

1 comment:

  1. Melanie I went to BSF when I was in my 30's and I loved it. I went for 5 years and I learned so much. It involves a lot of study and since you are thirsty for God's word you will love it. And I am sure you will learn a lot too.

    Linda @ Truthful Tidbits
