Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Word Filled Wednesday--The Battle is ON!

Well,  the battle is on.....We were just rolling along minding our own business when WHAMO....apparently we have been perceived as a threat. Spiritual warfare is real and I'm reminded of this from time to time....not sure why I got caught so blind-sided this time...

My dash light went back on so my van definately needs a tune-up, Trevis' car officially died (transmission completely out), the kids both had meltdowns on Monday evening, the dog is limping, and the cat threw up....How CRAZY is that???? I almost laughed yesterday when I went to Kroger to get Spencer's med and they said...we can't fill that. It hasn't been 28 days. I was like, What? I called Trevis to make sure we really didn't have any left and nope we didn't....So, I trekked myself in there with Natalie and explained that I count 30 days. They apologized and said their math was wrong. Thankfully, we got his medicine and came back home. I told Trevis I definately think we are in the "pressure cooker" right now. He sent me this verse yesterday. How perfect!! Yes, Lord. Thank you that you are fighting the battles even though we don't see it.  Not fully, but little glimpses.

I do have a praise report. Last night went much better with the kids. They are acclimating to school a little more every day. The light on my dash went off just long ago for me to pass emissions, before lighting back up the next day. So, hooray! I was able to get my tags and stickers for it. A man offered Trevis a few hundred bucks and payed the tow bill for his old car.

Now, we are actively persuing reliable transmission for Trevis. We really are trying to get something dependable and not have to make payments. I know it's not the end of the world if we do, but please pray for us that God will give us wisdom and discernment with this purchase. Then, we will get my van fixed.

If God is for us, who can be against us? Well, I know the answer to that question....However, I know the outcome. God always wins! I am holding to that today...asking him to fight the battle for us.....I keep thinking something good must be about to happen on the adoption front......

p.s. This picture is from Star Wars Episode II--The Arena Battle Scene...My son has watched that movie so many times, I don't think the DVD will even play anymore......
With much love,


  1. It's so crazy how those things happen, especially in the middle of adoption. Right as we filled out our application it seemed like everything started falling apart all around us! I'll brace myself for more chaos during the paperwork phase!
