Thursday, August 12, 2010

Miracle Answered Prayer!!! Yea God!

Psalm 106:1
Praise the LORD. Give thanks to the LORD, for He is good; His love endures forever!

We are experiencing a miracle of God-sized proportions here! Last night at about 10 till 9 the phone rang. It was kind of late, but Trevis picked up the phone. The lady asked to speak to me. She asked me if we had the "car thing" taken care of. I said, "No, we were going to go to some dealers on Friday and see what we could find." She said, "We have a car for you." I was like, "awesome! What kind of car? Miles? How much would you like for it? Sounds perfect for what we need. She said, "NO, we are giving you this car." She began talking and telling me more and they were just wanting to be used by God....I can't believe it!! God is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO very good. He won! He won our battle...Just like the scripture in my post from yesterday. We will get the car in about a month and are tickled pink. Ok...Trevis isn't tickled pink, but I am ...... He is beyond extatic...We are both overwhelmed with love and thankfulness. That is radical giving!!

Here's a picture of a Sentra. We had to go look up what we are going to get to drive. I don't know the color, but I'm so thrilled!!

The lady is actually a friend of ours who wants to remain annonymous and give God the glory!! How great is that??!! It is so great to be a giver....This time it is great to be a receiver. Thank you. thank you. thank you!!

Here's hoping for a miracle for you today or that God would use you to be a miracle in someone else's life!!

With Much Love,


  1. WOW!!! This is awesome news!! God is SO GOOD and He ALWAYS provides!! So excited for ya'll!

  2. Oh my heavens...literally the heavens were opened and the blessings were poured out! What a wonderful blessing.

  3. WOW! God heard your prayer and he ANSWERED!
