Monday, August 9, 2010

1st Full Day of School

Wow! It's hard to believe that school is in and summer has past. This morning, things were different around the Crockett house. I was getting ready calmly, fixing breakfast (cereal) for the kids, blow drying Natalie's hair, and flat ironing, taking pictures all stress free. I am not teaching this year so I have had much more time to attend to the details in my kids' lives. Having said that, both kids were going back and forth talking about how their stomachs hurt. They were both nervous anticipating what the new school year would bring. Both of them have a lot of new changes in store with rotating 6 times at day to classes, new teachers, and for Spencer a new school (middle school). They are ready though. I told them that God had prepared them for "such a time as this". I lay awake last night excited for them. I use to lay awake as a kid (and a teenager) anticipating the first day of school and even did the same thing every year I taught. There's just something exciting about that first day. A new school year. A new chance. Lots of new opportunities. New clothes. New pencils. New supplies. As we got in the car, I prayed over each of them. I gave them hugs and love. They are growing up. I had to drop both of them off b/c that is what is asked at this age. I'm proud of them....the young gentleman and lady they are becoming. I hope it is their best year ever!! They are becoming independent and gaining confidence. I hope you both have a fantastic school year.

Love you both so very much,

p.s. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. Phil. 4:6


1 comment:

  1. My oldest is starting preschool this year and it's so strange to go from being a teacher myself to sending MY baby off to school - even just preschool! It's an exciting new chapter though. The elementary years look like fun!
