Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Dossier Duty

The check has cleared and we're official.....Our adoption planner and dossier notebook arrived Friday night. Trevis and I were out on a date (dinner) and I had to call mom to see if it had arrived...We went home to get it, sat in the Barnes and Noble parking lot, and looked through the Dossier section one page at a time....I was like "HOLY COW"!! Where do we start? Later in the evening, we went home and signed up for the 6 courses we have to take online for the adoptive education component of our home study. We did one class right away.....I spent several hours this weekend completing the other five classes. The last one was on medical issues. I finished it up this morning. Thank God for snow days!! I must admit. I planned yeterday for a couple of hours for school and I was totally ready to go back to school. However, I was thankful to still be all cozy in my bed until 8:00 this morning...Yes, my kids are getting older. Yes, they let me sleep (as long as they know where their D.S.'s are or can find the remote).

We had our intro. phone call about the dossier with our agency case worker today. That went fabulous. I feel much better about all of it...It's just going to take time. I will break it up into manageable chunks. Tomorrow, we're going to the police station to get fingerprinted for FBI. I'm working on our workbook we have to complete for our second education component in the meanwhile. I am really getting an education I tell ya--crash course style.

The kids were great this morning. They played Mario and Luigi. They created their own costumes, drew on mustaches, and created "worlds" throughout the house with stuffed animals taking a roll. I hope to include a pic from that soon.

Tonight, I went to play Bunco for a friend's adoption. It was a lot of fun.

God is still rocking at being our provider....It's so cool! Last week, a teacher at my school sent down a check. I got an email from a neighbor and she said she was sharing our story with a friend during the Superbowl and the friend made out a check too. Only God. He is so faithful.Sometimes people say, "it's just a little check", but there's no such thing. It all matters. It's everything and everybody working together. If we are faithful with little, He will give us much.

Totally unrelated.....I'm feeling random....I am starting Beth Moore's new book, "So Long Insecurity". It's an online book club..If your interested, check out the blog on her website...I'm looking forward to God helping me be secure in myself and in Him.

Have a great rest of the week. I'm going to enjoy a three day work week....oh yea!!
With much love,


  1. yay!!! it seems like a lot but its really manageable. If you can, get your FBI prints done electronically instead of ink, they are processed MUCH faster!

  2. woohoo! congrats! i second what V said... but if you still have to get ink, at least you're getting them done at the very beginning of dossier duty. that way they'll hopefully be done not long after you've got your paperwork together! yaaaay!

  3. wow - I can't believe you finished all the online education in one weekend! That's amazing!!!! We're at the end of our "paperchase" for the dossier and hope to submit it at the end of the week. I'll be praying for you guys as you work on yours!

  4. As we think about adoption in the future, I love to read about others experiences in the whole process. Sounds like yours is really going well! So glad that God is continuing to provide.....what wonderful testimonies all of the adopting families have that I've been following!
