Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Justus' first project

On the day of Orientation at Justus' preschool, his teacher greeted me and gave me a poster, complete with directions....You know the kind...where you paste pictures that tell about yourself, your interests, family etc. So....on Monday after picking up pictures....Justus and I sat at the kitchen table looking through pictures. He picked the ones he wanted and put glue on the back of all of them. I cut them out and stuck them on and this is the finished product.

It is amazing how he takes such care and pride when making something. We practiced how he was going to talk to the class and I pretended to be the teacher and  him the student. He was beaming when he was finished. He did not want to leave it at school. (His teacher is going to put them on the wall all school year for everyone to see.) He wanted to put it in his room. This is just a small glimpse into his life, yet his life is so full now. We love you Justus Derero!

With Much Love,


  1. So cute!!! I love it! And I got the necklace in the mail today! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I love it! That was so sweet of you!!!

  2. It turned out sooooooo good!!!!!! I know Justus was just beaming! :)
