Saturday, August 27, 2011

If You Give a Mouse an Open Door...(not to be confused with If You Give a Mouse a Cookie)

(True Story at our house...mostly today)

If you give a mouse an open door,
it'll run into the house.

When it runs in the house,
it'll explore and head to the kitchen.

When it gets to the kitchen,
it will encounter two ferocious felines.

So, it will dart under the stove with four glowing eyes staring it down and a low growling sound.
The growling sound alerts Trevis who is sitting at the computer to check it out.

As he approaches, he realizes that the mouse has gotten itself in a predicament inside the mouth of an orange feline named Tigger.
So.....he pries the mouth open and the mouse jumps for freedom and scurries behind the washer.

As Trevis tries to get it, it squishes itself under the washer.
The mouse looks for something to nibble on and the drain hose looks appealing nibbles a hole in the hose and water begins to gradually leak.

I forget and throw a comforter in to wash and look down to see puddles forming,
So, I push the button immediately to stop it.

I ask Trevis to take a look at it to which he responds, "We'll call somebody."
To which I respond, "We're on a budget. Google it and fix it."

So, while I'm weeding this morning out front, he sends the kids to Dollar General (at the back of our neighborhood) to buy "Duck Tape" b/c Duck Tape fixes everything.

They get back and he rigs it up with Natalie and Spencer holding up the wash and Justus spilling the drained water as Trevis is stuck under the washer in the nasty water.

We all loose our minds and Trevis finally finds a place a little over 30 minutes that carries the drain hose (not to confused with the drain pipe)

So, I read 3 books to Jusuts and put him down for a nap and collapse on the couch while Trevis and Spencer trek across the city to get the part.

Trevis puts the part on while I hold the washer in place.
We start running a cycle b/c the comforter is still in there all that time.

Apparently, all the tipping of the washer has caused too much trauma,
so the washer fills and fills with water (front efficient usually)

A waterfall begins pouring out of the washer
so we hollar at the kids to get freshly laundered towels for us to clean it up with (just washed them all...ughh) and a bowl to dump time after time down the kitchen sink.

Eventually, Trevis pulls the water-logged comforter out of the wash and launches it into the driveway.

I sop up even more water as the kids are playing Wii.
They are amping up b/c their blood sugar is low and they are getting hungry.

So, we decide to try a quick wash cycle b/c spin is not an option to see if the water will actually drain.
Sitting there, I notice the caked on detergent and decide now is as good of time as ever to clean it off...

Trevis and the kids run out the front door, I locate the two free kids meals to Jason's Deli, and we jump in the van all nastified to eat.

We actually make it through the meal with minimal arguing and head back home to find an empty washer (Praise Jesus!).
We clean up the remaining water with the towels and run those towels in a quick wash.

The washer finally works right and NO water leaks.
The mouse was caught and released in a nearby open area. (b/c Natalie is an animal lover and mouse traps are forbidden.)

Word on the street is....Mouse is looking for an open door....
And if you give the mouse an open door...well....You know what will happen. (I'm warning ya....)

Much Love,


1 comment:

  1. Haha! Too cute! We are definitely not opening our door to that little guy! :)
