Tuesday, August 16, 2011

First Day of Preschool for Justus

Today was Justus' first day of preschool. Less than 7 months ago, we got off a plane from Ethiopia...and here he was in the country music capital of the world....good ole Nashville, TN! We have come a long way baby in 7 short months.

Justus was all excited this morning. Between me, Trevis, Spencer, and Natalie all talking up preschool, he was skipping down the hall to get to his class. I was a little apprehensive b/c it is his first real "school" setting and well....he is VERY (150% all boy) energetic....He LOVES to learn though, so I'm excited about this school year for him. He will go only on Tuesday and Thursdays and the other three days, he'll be with me...

We did not make the preschool decision lightly. We explored our options. He has wanted to go to school since a couple of weeks after he was in America....after he realized that I do go pick up Spencer and Natalie every afternoon. The look on his face the first morning we took the kids to school in January was a look I'll never forget....I knew he was thinking, "Oh no...she dropped Natalie off. She dropped Spencer off...I'm next". It took time for him to see that I do indeed drop them off, but I come back to get them.

He has been going to church class on Sunday morning since Easter and to the YMCA for about 30 minutes while I attempt to run, so he's had a little practice with mom leaving and coming right back. I did work on this gradually though.

For this school year, we explored the kindergarten readiness option. We had heard rave reviews on the teacher that teaches at our local school and I thought, "Hey, it's only 1.5 miles from the house and it's FREE....Justus loves being around other kids...Why not?" At the same time I was praying about the decision. I had already preregistered him for preschool (b/c good preschool programs fill up QUICKLY in these parts). I've worked with him on academics for about 6 months, but I wanted him to form friendships with same age peers, learn to stand in line, raise his hand, sit criss-cross applesauce, share, engage in imaginative play, and mature emotionally and socially. Some things take time.....I turned in all the paperwork at our zoned elementary school and he went in for screening. I love the KR (kindergarten readiness) program so I wasn't tough to convince. I had already drinken (sp?) the Kool-Aid...so to speak. However, the day of testing.....It wasn't meant to be. A few hurtful things were said and I felt like God was reminding me....it's only been 6 months....

A few days later after I was trying to make sense of it all, I called the preschool and talked the the director. We went for orientation and I felt a peace I cannot describe. Even though it is at least 20 minutes on the other side of town, I knew this was the place for Justus to thrive this year.

I learned some life lessons during this time and I'm learning to view the world through Justus' eyes and what he needs. I know the 3 days at home with me being an only child (while Spencer and Natalie are at school) will be good for bonding and attachment for both of us. School comes fast enough and homework with it. Another year to grow in his language and he will probably be ready for a 5 day program. I am thankful that God knows what's best even when I don't.

And without further adieu, here is Justus:

And here he is with Ms. Janet:

Natalie had Ms. Janet with she was 4 so I think it's super great that Justus gets to have her too b/c it's been a few years since Natalie was that age.....
Justus was all decked out in patriotic attire. I know it's not the 4th of July, but I have a little story...The rest of the family had Old Navy flag tees from last year. I didn't buy them this year and didn't think much about it...Well, Justus really wanted a "Merican flag" shirt. I went to Old Navy after the 4th and they were all sold out of his size. A couple of weeks later, Trevis and I were at Osh Kosh and happened about this one and some cute plaid shorts at another store (He is growing like a weed.). We brought them home at the look of pure J-O-Y when we showed him that "Merican flag" shirt was like nothing I'd ever seen. You would have thought I had given him a million bucks....He gets excited over clothes and especially shoes....things we take for granted....yet it is so refreshing seeing the happiness well up inside him over the simple things.....

He came out with a "Justus had a great first day" paper today. (and drawing, handwriting, etc)....Hooray! Hooray! Most of all though, the director and his teacher loved him.....

With Much Love,

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