Wednesday, August 4, 2010

School has officially started!

Today was the first two hour day of school.....Spencer's first day of MIDDLE SCHOOL!! Seriously, can I be this old? Do I look this old? Ok....for those of you who know me, please don't answer b/c I like to think of myself as the young mom who brought him home 11 1/2 years ago.;) I'll have to admit. I was a little nervous. I don't remember middle school as being a nurturing place and having a kiddo on the spectrum makes that even more many unwritten rules...For example..If you get to pick your seat...don't sit in the back. All the trouble makers sit in the back. Also, don't sit in the front...Pick somewhere in the middle. These are unwritten codes that all of us know such as where to hang out, where not to etc. but kids on the autism spectrum do not just pick up on these things. Fortunately for me and him, his teacher assigned seats for the first day. I have quickly learned that middle school is different than elementary in more ways than one. For instance, it is assumed that your kid automatically knows where to go the first day....After I registered him Monday, I was like, "ok...where does he go on the 2 hour day?". The lady was like, "Oh yea....He's in 6th grade. All the sixth graders go to the auditorium. Then, the teachers come in, call the role, and the students file in behind him/her. Next thought, where do you drop off for the car rider line? You know these days....if you go in the wrong line, the school patrol ladies will be there to let you know. I didn't want any embarrassment on the first day for him or me. We drove around the school last night and figured that all out. As I drove up to drop him off this morning, I prayed a blessing over him. He was nautious of course and wasn't sure exactly how to weave himself from the cafeteria to the auditorium. I said, "when you get out of the van, look at that man with the badge around his neck and ask him where the 6th graders go." Sure enough he got out and did so and went on his way. ahhhh.....sigh. You know mom can't walk her 6th grader in with his supplies as much as she wants to. I have been told, "that is embarrasing". So, I let my little boy grow up. I mean this is what we parent eventually let go.

I picked him up 2 hours later. (I called the school as soon as I got home and asked where you are supposed to pick kids up. Thankfully, I called b/c it was on the opposite side of the building. I mean seriously, how is a person supposed to know these things? I seriously needed an ingress/egress map.;))

The 6th graders came out late walking like sloths down the sidewalk. When Spencer heard it was ok, he bounded into the van. He was as happy as a clam!! Hooray! The first 2 hour day was a success. He even knows one boy in his class that he likes. Double hooray! He has a new teacher for homeroom. He shared that she's young and has a boyfriend. Ok....Now that we have all the important details...Did you get a schedule? No, mom. We just went over the agenda and she told them a crazy story about some birds. Alright. She definately had his attention-HA!

So, yea for Spencer!

Now....onto Natalie. Last night was the "picnic" where the kids see who their teachers are and have a little dessert, and we got to tour the building. (It was remodelled this summer.) It was very strange walking up the front stairs...I always use to go in the side door b/c that's where my classroom was. Natalie is excited. We met her teacher (She is new to our school this year) and she is friends with several girls in her class. We walked around and looked at the building. Trevis kept wanting to go to my old classroom b/c he was on auto pilot. Several kiddos came up for hugs. It was sweet. A little sad, but sweet. I'll miss it this year. Is that ok to say? I LOVE teaching. I love new supplies and setting up the classroom and watching a child learn something for the very first time. I visited with some teacher friends and then we were gone.

It is officially my new role....full time devotion to being a mom again. I am thankful that I was able to take Spencer to school and pick him up today. I am thankful that I will be able to help other teachers this year. I am thankful that God will fill that void in my heart soon....I will have a new little Crockett to love and teach....Hopefully, sooner than later.

With much love,


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