Friday, August 20, 2010

He Made the Team!! Woot Woot!

It was 5:55 AM yesterday morning at the high school....It was the day Spencer had been waiting for. Kids dressed in shorts, tshirts, running shoes with a water bottle in hand  It was time for tryouts for the cross country team. They were supposed to try out last Friday, but the heat index was above 102 degrees so after some 6-7 AM practices this week, tryouts were now here.....

Parents had coffee cups in hand (I don't like coffee though.) A group of us sat in the wet bleachers. It had poured the night before. The smell of rain..ahhhh....

After 20 minutes of warm-ups, the coach explained what he wanted them to do. They would run 6 laps around the high school track. That would equal a mile and a half....He said go and the clock was ticking............Trevis wanted me to time Spencer since he had to go to work and call and tell him the time. By the 3rd lap, I had "Chariots of Fire" running through my brain....The parents began to cheer in the stands.. You're halfway....Keep going...Looking good. Spencer continued running....consistant and steady...He has been working toward the 12 minute 30 second goal....4 laps, then 5, then the last lap....oh my goodness, he's sprinting....He's gonna make it. His time was

11 minutes and 59 seconds

He never stopped one time. I was so proud for him. He was so proud. Not in an arrogant way...just in I DID IT!!! He made the team! A couple of his new friends made it too. I like this cheering atmosphere. :) The coach said to enjoy the weekend b/c it would be the last one we had free for several weeks. I'm looking forward to it.

Have a great weekend!
With Much Love,

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations to Spencer!! How great!! I know he is so excited!!
