Monday, August 15, 2011

Back to School

Last week ago, Spencer and Natalie headed back to school. Spencer is in 7th grade and Natalie is in 5th grade. It's hard to believe. My one goal for the week was to get both kids to school on time to their respective schools....That was it....I know that's not much, but I took Spencer to cross country practice each morning from 6:00-7:00 a.m., picked him up, ran him home to take a shower, packed lunches for both kids, took Natalie to school, then came back home and picked up a freshly showered Spencer and took him to school.....Whew....Thankfully, Spencer's school is only about 2 miles away...Natalie's is about 12 as you can see, everything has to be timed right with shower, breakfasts, packing of backpacks etc.....I am happy to say....I DID IT!!! Now, one day Spencer did get their at 8:14 and 30 seconds....but it was before 8:15....oh yeah!!

As always, I take a picture of the kids with the backpacks on...their front sides and their back sides....This year, Justus had to get in on the shot....He starts preschool tomorrow, but I'm going to try to blog about him then...

Everybody was all abuzz the night before and morning of school. Spencer bounded out of bed exceptionally early (not normal for him at 12....maybe when he was 4, but not 12). Natalie was all happy tidying her room and wanting her hair all "cutesy". She said she feels like a school girl with her hair like that (and I LOVE that she let me fix her hair.)

Both kids had a good first day. As usual for his middle school, Spencer didn't get his schedule until Thursday, but they rotated through classes and got the rules and procedures down.

Natalie loves school this year. 4th and 5th grade at her school rotate to every class and they have the same teachers both years....Just the content changes, so she was already comfortable and knew everybody. It made for a gr8 beginning to the school year for her.

Spencer would remind me every morning...."Mom, don't forget to pick me up today in the car rider line"...This is always a mystery to me b/c I've always picked him I remembered.

This week, I think homework shall begin. I'm all signed up to volunteer so we're off to another great school year!

Much Love,


  1. Love the pics!!! Looks like they had a great first day!

  2. luuuuuuv the pics! Can't wait to hear about Justus's first day! :)
