Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Korah and our Newly Sponsored Son

In July, I met Kelly from Ordinary Hero when she was fixing the house that had been flooded. On the day we delivered some furniture, she told me that she would be leaving in a few days to take a group to Ethiopia. While she was there, I followed her journey and read Jody's blog (She also went.) too. I was drawn to the pictures and the stories. God has opened my eyes so much over the summer. I have learned that I just needed to be willing and slow down to be able to see what is near and dear to his heart.....

One of the places the group visited was called, "Korah". It is Ethiopia's dump and there are thousands of people who live there. Innocent women, teenagers, old people, and children. It just tore at my heart to read and see the video. The blogs went on to say that there is a girl named Sumer who is starting a boarding school for the kids in the dump. (She and her husband moved their family from middle Tennessee to Ethiopia earlier this year.) All they needed were the sponsors. Immediately, I knew that was something our family had to do. We got busy with school starting and all the activities leading up to it and I forgot. However, last week.....there was one last email request for a group of teenagers who were yet to be sponsored. I know now that God allowed me to be distracted so I would respond at just the right time. I emailed Erin and she set us up. We now have an 18-year-old sponsored son who I'll shorten his name to "Eng". It says he will be in 9th grade. I am so happy for "Eng" to have an opportunity to live in a boarding school with uniforms, three meals a day, a bed to sleep on, books to study from, and people to share the love of Christ with him. Sumer mentioned that the teenagers are often overlooked for the younger children. I am full of joy that people responded and all of the available spots at the boarding school have been filled for this year.

Now, you've GOT TO watch this video....Kelly took it while in Korah, Ethiopia. Hit "pause on the music at the bottom of my blog so you can hear the video.;)
Ordinary Hero~ A day in the trash dump in Ethiopia from Kelly Putty on Vimeo.

All that keeps coming to my mind for all these kids after watching this video and seeing the pictures is:
Psalms 40:1-3
I waited patiently for the LORD; he turned to me an heard my cry. He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand. He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to God.

Here is a picture of some of the newly sponsored teen boys with Sumer in the middle. I think our "Eng" is in this picture. It sure looks like the individual picture I got.

I hope these boys have a wonderful school year. Thank you God for showing them to me.:)

With Much Love,


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