Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Forgotten God, Fellowship, and Friends

"Perhaps you don't need fire from heaven, but peace.....Or you want people with a similar vision to journey with and support you along the way. Whatever you need, the point is that God is aware of you and your circumstances, and He knows what you really need. He is able to bring these things, people, and circumstances into your life." (Forgotten God, p. 145-146)

I read this in the last week from the book Forgotten God, by Francis Chan. He is the guy who wrote Crazy Love. Another great book that challenges me to the core. I don't want to come away challenged though....but changed. I know it will be a process.

Anyway, getting back to the beginning...When you start an adoption journey, it is scary. You are relinquishing control and as much as I don't like to admit it, I like control. So, near the beginning of our journey, I saw the Lucy Lane video. (You can
see it here: I emailed Kristi a couple of times back and forth. I met her at a friend's Bunco adoption fundraiser. A few weeks ago, she invited our family to come to her house for Lucy's 1 year home celebration with other families from our agency. I was a little nervous b/c we didn't know anyone there except for Kristi. However, that all changed quickly. Everyone was so welcoming, so friendly. Everyone had or is on the same adoption path. The same things are important to them. They all had stories to share and helpful information. They understood--didn't think we were crazy and actually that is the norm-haha! They encouraged us in our walk. I met many new friends. One girl brought another girl to me and they were going to be having a yard sale in two weeks. I offered her all of our things that did not sale this past weekend. They are going to pick up an 8 and 5 year old sibling set from Ethiopia in the near future. What a blessing!! I don't think they had any idea how much stuff we actually had, but I hope they have wonderful weather and raise lots of money.

My kids were a little apprehensive about going to someone's house they'd never even met. They were concerned there might be only "little kids". I told them there would be some siblings. They ended up having the time of their lives. What kid wouldn't when there was a trampoline, zip line, swing, playhouse, and more all in the backyard?!? It was a kid's dream come true. They met lots of other kids and had a blast. Spencer was soaked from playing so hard.

When we left that night, my heart was full. I had met new friends to do "life" with. I had laughed, learned, and absorbed so much.

God knows that I needed that. We all need that...People who love and understand us.

Raising the money for an adoption is a faith journey...Here is another applicable snippet from, Forgotten God: "I know that I tend to run from situations where I need God, and I think that is true of almost every one of us. It is safer to avoid situations where we need God to come through than to stake it all on Him and risk God's silence."(p.149)

God has not been silent....He has been faithful. It has been an exciting journey and I feel "alive" inside in a way I haven't felt in a long time. I desire to be more step out and be obedient....It's scary, but He's got my back....We all need a little encouragement to step out and do/be what he is calling us to do/be.
Have a great week!
With much love,

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